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Riding Lesson Program 2021/22

Safety: Proper footwear, riding helmets, tack and suitable mounts, with lessons being taught in an enclosed ring by experienced qualified coach ensure a high level of safety during the riding lesson. We try to place clients in riding lessons of similar age groups and skills levels.
Getting Started: The number of riding lessons is very dependant upon the confidence, strength and coordination of the rider and how competitive the rider wants to be. Skill development using the three gaits (walk, trot and canter), basic school figures and movements (circles, serpentines, loops, figure-of-eights etc.), trotting poles, gymnastics over fences, variety of jumps, lunge line exercises, depends upon the rider's skill level and interest.
Fun: When riders first venture into the equestrian world, they are looking for enjoyment; whether the rider is a young girl madly in love with horses or an adult looking for an activity for exercise and relaxation. We try to use a variety of exercises, during the riding lessons to ensure the riders want to come back for more!
Skill Development: Each rider progresses at a different rate - it is important to ensure riding lessons challenge the rider to improve, but not so much that the rider is disheartened.

All rates subject to GST and can change without notice
- 50 Canadian dollars
- 65 Canadian dollars
- 50 Canadian dollars
- 40 Canadian dollars

Equestrian Canada
Learn to Ride
EC RIDER TRAINING PROGRAM IS NOW ALLOWING CREDITS FOR HIGH SCHOOL- We are pleased to encourage Equine Canada’s newly enhanced English Rider Level 1-10 program. The EC learn to ride program was developed for individuals who wish to learn safe horsemanship and practices. The purpose of this program is to produce safe and knowledgeable horseman and to assist in the development of future instructors, coaches and lifetime enthusiasts. This is a national program, which rewards all riders, recreational to competitive, for advancing their learning. Certificates of Achievement and badges will be mailed directly from the Provincial Equestrian Federation to all successful English Rider Level candidates.
Furthermore, the Ministry of Education offers “External Credentials Program” which gives high school students the opportunity to earn graduation credits for sport learning through this approved process.
Fees for Rider program testing: I monitor testing and fill out appropriate forms to be sent to HCBC with your check for $16.80 . They will send the certificate to the candidate once everything is evaluated.
Fee for administering written test: $25.00
Fee for ridden test and stable management evaluation: $50.00
HCBC: $21
Release Form
Please print and fill out the release for before your lesson
Please print and fill out the Boarding Agreement before you arrive.